Revealing Jesus
Our latest series is taking us through the gospel of John. The first part has looked at seven signs or miracles that reveal Jesus to us. Click on the headings to find the talks.
Water into Wine
Rob started off with the well known story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. (John 2:1-11) He made comparisons with the significant actions in this passage with the state of some believers today.
The Official’s Son
Simon took us through the story of the healing of the official’s son in John 4:43-54. He stressed the importance of hearing, seeking, asking and believing.
Healing at Bethesda
Rob’s message brought us the story of the healing at Bethesda where Jesus sought out the man beside the pool of Siloam. (John 5:1-16) He talked about the rules that Jesus broke, that should have set limitations on Jesus’ actions. What limitations have we put on ourselves?
Feeding of the 5000
This story appears in all four gospels, but Paul attempts to keep to the story in John. (John 6:1-15) Here we see Jesus’ consideration for the thousands of people who had followed him. Paul pointed out that God wants to break into situations and display His glory. We are invited to partner with God in telling our stories to show God’s glory in our lives.
Walking on Water
From this account, (John 6:16-21), Rob brought out the importance of being in a community of people together. The disciples were all together in the boat in the storm, but they weren’t afraid of the storm. They were fearful because of the absence of Jesus.
Man Born Blind
Unfortunately due to a technical difficulty there is no recording of this message. Read John 9: 1-41. Simon talked about two types of people in the story. The Assumers and the Judgers. The disciples made assumptions about the blind man. The Pharisees also assumed but they also judged Jesus. They couldn’t get past the breaking of rules and so missed the miracle.
Simon pointed out that if we make assumptions or judgements we don’t leave room for Jesus. Encounters with Jesus bring revelation, Kingdom advance and healing.
Lazarus Raised
John 11:1-44 is another well-known story. In this talk Jon took a fresh approach and looked at the journey Martha and Mary went through with Jesus after their brother died. Jesus deals with each woman differently in keeping with their personalities. Jesus’ compassion is shown towards them, just as he shows compassion to us.
Video: How He Loves Us