Jubilee Church is about building a community of people who know
who they are, who know what they’ve got and who know what they are called to do.
- Who we are – our identity in Christ both individually and corporately.
- What we have got – our emphasis on the anointing of the Holy Spirit, his presence, the gifts he has given us and who fills us empowering us in all that we do
- What we are called to – heal the sick, cast out demons, preach good news to the poor, making disciples who change the world.
What Does Jubilee Mean?
In the Old Testament God’s people Israel marked each 50th year as a Jubilee. Trumpets were blown, slaves were freed, debts were forgiven, the far-off came home, and the whole land enjoyed a rest.
For us it means:
Healing, freedom, justice, alleviating poverty, equipping, sending, gathering and multiplying
As Jubilee Church, we’ve thought hard about our values. They speak of who we are, and what we hope to be.
We want to honour not just the great and the good, but are learning to see, and to celebrate, the greatness and goodness that God has planted in everyone.

We want people to be themselves, and to discover the person God made them to be. When you know you are really loved, you can start to be really real. Let’s live deeper – together.
We passionately pursue Jesus and His presence with us; wholeheartedly devoted to the one who has saved us.

We’re not fearless, but we believe in courageous love. Ready and willing to make mistakes, let’s encourage one another and do it anyway.
Church is a supernatural super-family tied by something thicker than blood. Forgiving mistakes, celebrating victories. Growing up into the likeness of our Father.

Where we belong
Jubilee Church is part of Catalyst, an apostolic team connected with the New Frontiers network of churches.
Jubilee is also part of the Evangelical Alliance whose statement of beliefs we would agree with and share.
Charitable Status
Jubilee Church Solihull a charitable company incorporated in England and Wales (Company Number 8991495 registered charity number 1157124)
A copy of previous year’s reports and accounts can be seen on the Charity Commission website.