Never Stop Praying
Jodie sets out the plans for the focus on prayer for 2023
Over the last few months the Leadership Team have been stirred by the Holy Spirit about the importance of Jubilee Church gathering together in corporate prayer, stepping out together in unity and contending in prayer for God’s promises.
The time has come
The Weekend Away in October was a significant time for Jubilee. Angela spoke about the significance for Jubilee of the Zulu word ‘sekunjalo’, meaning ‘The time has come! The time is now!’. We also received another prophetic word about the time being now, the battle cry going up and God strengthening us with faith for the battle. God was saying to us that we were on the edge of entering a new place.
The challenge to the whole of Jubilee was… we have a choice to make. Are we willing to move forward with God, to live differently, following God wholeheartedly, are we prepared to face the spiritual battles and hardships that lie ahead? Are we willing to be a Caleb? (Numbers 14) Or would we rather stay where we are or even go back to how it used to be?
Following the Weekend Away, the Leadership Team continued to think and pray about what God had spoken and how to respond and lead Jubilee into this. We felt that God was stirring us to be intentional and that we needed to consider a plan of action for 2023.
We started to devise a plan for 2023; to encourage and facilitate more people gathering together to pray, to teach us how to pray and how to ‘battle’ in prayer as a church body.
Battling in prayer
At the end of November our dear friend Tim was taken ill. The Jubilee church family responded by contending in prayer for his life and coming together to pray for his healing. It was like God was bringing our plan forwards and saying that we shouldn’t be waiting for 2023 for this to start! It has been a challenging time, but we have been so grateful for how Jubilee has come together to bring Tim to Jesus (like in Luke 5:18-26)!
So what are we planning for 2023?
We are going to be prioritising prayer this year, focusing on seeking after God and His presence, and spending time praying and contending for God’s promises.
• We are going to put aside the first week of every month as a Week of Prayer.
• We will go through the Prayer School material in Life Groups starting in February.
• Weeks of Prayer will include Sunday sermons on prayers in the Bible, Sunday evening prayer meetings, early morning online prayer gatherings, daytime in- person prayer gatherings and Prayer Hubs in Homes.
More information and details will be shared with you soon, but we are very excited about this and really want to encourage you to join us in this adventure. God has already challenged us and asked us if we are choosing to follow Him or not… what will you do? Are you with us? Will you respond to the call of God and come with us?