Introducing Paul & Helen
Our last ‘introducing post for a little while. Here is an ‘interview’ with Paul & Helen.
How did you become a Christian?
Paul: Someone gave me a book to read! The book was called “Popular excuses for avoiding Jesus Christ”. By the time I got to the end, my world view was totally turned upside down!
Helen: I had gone away to university and was reading the Gideon Bible in my room in the hall of residence. I opened it roughly in the middle and started reading the Psalms. I thought whoever has written this has an amazing friendship with God. He shares all his ups and downs with Him… I wanted to have a friendship with God like that so I asked him to show me if He is really there…and He did!
Who is your favourite bible character and why?
Helen: David! I love his honesty.
What is your favourite Bible verse and why?
Paul: My favourite Bible verse is Proverbs 25:2
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.”
I love the fact that God has put mystery at the heart of the universe!
Helen: “It is finished.” John 19:30. When Jesus spoke these last words on the cross it meant that He had done it all so that we can be free forever.
How did you meet?
Paul: We met in the first French lecture at Exeter University in 1982. We sat next to each other and I obviously made a big impression! Helen’s diary entry for that day reads something like:
“First lecture in the French department today. I sat next to Paul Denny. He has the smallest handwriting I have ever seen”
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would that be and why?
Paul: It is my dream to visit California and to drive North on Interstate 5. I would visit Portland, Oregon and then keep going North to Seattle, Washington. It is a little known fact that the first European settlers in Seattle were the Denny family, known as “the Denny party”. I would love to visit and to find out if I am directly related to my namesakes! Maybe I own half of Seattle and I didn’t realise it?!
Helen: I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii but I’ll be very happy to go with Paul to explore California, Oregon and Washington!
What has been your favourite holiday destination so far and why?
Paul: My favourite holiday destination has been La Gomera in the Canaries. Days in the sunshine playing tennis, going swimming, fresh fish to eat and great wines to drink!
Helen: South of France. So many happy memories!
Who has had the most influence on your life and in what way?
Helen: My mum. She has inspired me to be the best wife, mother, friend that I can possibly be. She’s very kind, funny, sensitive, generous, creative and would do anything for her family and friends. She has shown me (amongst many other things) that we’re always learning, never to judge a book by its cover, that pride is dangerous, to be kind to strangers and not to take ourselves too seriously!
If Jubilee Church had a pet what would it be and why?
Paul: If Jubilee Church had a pet it would be a gopher because we’re ‘going fer’ it.
If you had to give up either chocolate or cheese forever, which would it be? Why?
Paul: If I had to choose I would give up cheese. My Dad worked for Cadbury in Bournville so chocolate has always been important to me!
Helen: I’d give up chocolate and then we could share!!
3 top tips for a long and happy marriage from Helen
Talk about everything.
Pray about everything.
Have fun together!
Thank you Paul & Helen. It’s been great to find out more about you.
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