Do you feel unqualified to offer to pray for people or to talk to them about Jesus? Do you compare yourself with others who you feel are more spiritually ‘gifted’? Peter looks at how we overcome these feelings and trust God’s choices.
God’s amazing choices
In Acts 4 we are told about the healing of a crippled man. Having arrested Peter (and others) who had healed the man, the religious leaders were astounded by Peter’s testimony; “by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth …- by him this man is standing before you well” (Acts 4.10).
It was obvious that they were totally unqualified to do what they had done and yet the healed man was irrefutable evidence! They concluded – “they were uneducated, common men …. and … they had been with Jesus”. (Acts 4.13)
God chooses
Paul has written to the church in Corinth, which had been quarrelling about who was the better – Paul, Cephas, or Apollos… Paul makes the point that God chooses and uses individuals based on His gifts and calling rather than any personal strengths or abilities – “…so that no human being might boast…” (1Cor 1.29)
As you and I continue seeking to become increasingly more aware of the presence and power of God, let us not fall into the trap of negatively comparing ourselves or others with people who seem to be ‘closer’ to God ‘more spiritual’ or more ‘gifted’!
Rather let us rejoice and be settled in who and what God has made ‘me’ to be, recognising that it is only by God’s power that we can do anything worthwhile. (Phil: 4.13)
From our human perspective God chooses by a contrary criterion: “God chose what is foolish…”(1Cor 1:26-7)
The Bible records the exploits of many people whose ‘natural’ suitability is questionable but are profoundly used by God for the benefit of all. (e.g. Moses, Samuel, Daniel, Joseph, Gideon, Esther Peter Matthew Judas etc…)
Masterpiece (Eph 2.10)
In recent years I have noticed the ‘growth’ of beautiful birds, bears and other animals sculpted out of a tree trunk using a chainsaw.
It always amazes me that a person can visualize the finished product and then make precise cuts and shapes to expose the intended creation. This applies to many creative processes including poetry, painting, jewelry…
Some years ago, Jill and I were encouraged to ask God to show us the ‘gold’ in people. It’s so easy to see a person’s ‘faults, failings, and problems,’ but since God is in the business of creating masterpieces (Eph 2.10) we ought to look for the potential in every person however rock-like or encrusted shell – like they appear. Gold and jewels are formed in hard pressured places!
God has the same basic design in mind with each one of us – we are “created … to do good things … God planned for us long ago” (Eph 2.10 {NLT}
Our purpose is to live each day trusting that I fulfil all that God has planned for me.
What next?
As part of a Love after Marriage course, Jill and I had to individually list areas in our life where we were conscious of needing God to bring change in the coming year! It was amazing and thrilling a year later to review and see how much God had done – without any ‘conscious effort’ on my part. Truly God brought into “being things that were not” a year ago!
Prayerfully ask God what He wants to work on next in your own life in the coming month / year? Then give Him permission to do it!
As we pray blessing on each other pray for God’s creative power to be unhindered in their life so that He can make them who He wants them to be.
Pray for God to enable you to ‘see the gold’ and give you words of encouragement for someone each day.
Who am I?