Autumn Ministry School part 2
Continuing with our Ministry School series, this week Paul Plagerson writes about the thinking behind A Course in Abundance and an overview of its content.
A course in Abundance
This course is to help people lead a fuller more abundant and blessed life. Jesus said that he had come to bring life and bring it more abundantly. John 10:10. That abundance is to be enjoyed in every area of life, health, relationships and finances.
Throughout my career in financial services, I have advised and counselled both Christians and non-Christians. One thing that struck me is that most people seemed to have exactly the same issues of financial security, employment anxiety and concern for the future. The Christians with a very few exceptions seemed to have just the same challenges as everyone else.
While most Christians will say that they trust God with their future, very few take the mental, emotional, and practical steps to live it. These observations culminated in writing a book entitled:
‘If God is so good, then why am I always broke?’ and this course is loosely adapted from that book.
I want to help people recognise that they are sons and daughters of the King and heirs to all he has. I want them to discover for themselves the attitudes and behaviours that are blocking them living in abundance and how to overcome them. I want to help bring expectancy and peace of mind to the whole subject of provision.
Session 1 Looks at what we mean by Abundance and what the Bible says about it.
Session 2 Starts to examine our own attitudes and beliefs, along with how the historical church views wealth and poverty.
Session 3 Looks at generosity including tithing, and what does it mean to ‘seek first His kingdom’.
Session 4 Explores what stewardship really means and are there sufficient global resources for all?
Session 5 Investigates planning personal ’storehouses’, saving and investment, and managing debt.
Session 6 Discusses money management and increasing income.
The course is interactive and will change to some degree to meet the individual needs of the participants. Having said that, no one will feel pressure to reveal any of their own financial circumstances.
It has taken me 40 years of both Christian life and financial experience to feel ready to teach Abundance and I am still learning. Hopefully this course will help people enjoy more of the fulness that God has for them.
Thank you Paul