Answered prayer
Jen tells us about their desperate need for God to intervene when Tim became ill towards the end of last year.
When Tim became seriously ill in November, it was humbling to hear of hundreds of people around the world praying for him, some even through the night, and many we didn’t even know. So there is no way of telling how many prayers were answered and what they all were but the very fact that he is now home with us and able to join in with much of our normal life again is testament to many answered prayers. There were times when I couldn’t pray, but I absolutely knew the power of being carried on the prayers of others, and a peace and a strength that I know was the answered prayer of many.
Prayers for protection against the odds
In the first few days, the doctors didn’t have much hope and the odds were stacked against Tim, so we prayed for miracles, for protection and preservation of life. On the day where the doctors felt they were running out of options, prayers were answered for them to find the cause and the source of the infection, and Tim stabilised. A key prayer point in the first few days was for Tim’s blood pressure to increase so that the doctors could reduce the very strong medication that was taking the circulation away from his peripheries. They were able to reduce this within 2 days.
Following a brain scan, the doctors informed me there had been some damage to Tim’s brain so I contacted some friends who have a testimony of several healing miracles to brains within their family. I asked them to pray for protection and restoration for his brain. I knew this had been answered the first day they reduced Tim’s sedation enough for him to communicate, and although he still had a breathing tube in, he was able to communicate with nods and shakes of his head and plenty of his signature eyebrow raising! Thankfully all his cognitive function and ability to communicate was fully protected and restored.
Heart surgery
The fact that Tim was able to get strong enough for heart surgery was nothing short of a miracle. The odds were once again not in his favour, and the doctors were baffled at the progress he made while the infection was still present in his heart. I have no doubt that God heard every prayer for protection and strengthening during this time and answered in this way.
Alongside all the prayers that we know were answered, I also believe God answered many prayers we didn’t even know we prayed. When I couldn’t pray or didn’t know what to pray, it was in these times I truly learnt that the “Spirit himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words” (Rom 8:26).
In addition, He answered countless prayers we didn’t know we needed to pray – the specific doctors and surgeons that were available when needed, multiple factors aligning that meant Tim got the theatre slots he needed, the timing of heart surgery and the fact that we had less than 24 hours to prepare for it.
God hears every prayer
When I think about answered prayer, it is so much more than getting what we ask for – I know God hears every prayer and answers in multiple ways, sometimes we get what we ask, and sometimes we don’t, but I know He hears everyone. Although Tim still has a way to go with his recovery, we are in no doubt that God has answered many prayers from the very first day that he became ill, and continues in His sovereign goodness to hear and to answer the prayers we pray as well as those we don’t.
Thank you Jen.
Thank you to everyone who stood beside the family in prayer. Please continue to pray for Tim’s ongoing recovery.
Battle Belongs