We know who we are
Our aim as Jubilee Church is to build a community of people who know who they are, who know what they’ve got and who know what they are called to do.
In this three-part series, written by Bernice & Simon, we will look at these three aims in turn, starting with knowing who we are.
Know who we are
Who we are in Christ is a foundational teaching at Jubilee. It’s important individually and corporately that we understand our identity. It’s important for us as individuals so that we are able to step into all that God has planned for us, experience the wholeness of salvation and be ‘rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith and overflowing with thankfulness’ (Colossians 2:7).
But it’s also important for us corporately so that as the body of God’s people we can grow into maturity and demonstrate God’s wisdom and grace to the world. We are sons and daughters, adopted into the Kingdom, Ambassadors, born again (recreated), co-heirs with Jesus. We have several talks on Identity on the website. We also looked at our identity in our Foundations series of talks: Foundations part 1.
Too good to be true?
In the blog post Who Do You Think You Are? we looked at what we might think of ourselves and what God says we are.
Sometimes we tell ourselves that what God says about us is too good be true. But the Bible is full of verses that show God really does love us. The most famous of these is John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Stop and pause there for a moment. Isn’t that incredible? God loved us so much that he was prepared to give Jesus to enable us to be saved!
Still doubting?
If you are still unsure about your identity and position in the Kingdom, listen to Rob’s talk: Identity in Christ. If you are already certain of who you are in Christ, it’s still worth listening to this talk. It provides us with a confirmation and a confidence in our identity.
These truths about our identity are basic to what we believe and we think we know them but too often it is easy for us to let the truth about who we are in Christ slip from our mind as we get distracted by other things. Below are a few verses which reveal something of our identity in Christ. Why not spend some time reflecting on some of these verses? You may wish to memorise one or more of them.
Romans 5:1
Romans 8:1
Galatians 4:7
Ephesians 1:4
Colossians 1:13-14
Next time: We know what we have
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