Jubilee Culture: Passion
Our values are really important to us. It’s what makes Jubilee the church that it is. Today we will look at another of our values: Passion.
Rob spoke on passion in our series on Culture.
Passion is the creative force behind every great invention, all great art, all great drama, all great music, all great architecture, all great writing. Nothing great is ever accomplished in life without passion. Nothing great is ever sustained in life without passion.
Passion is what motivates us in life. Passion drives us to conquer. Passion gives us power to overcome difficulties. Passion is the reason you get up in the morning and say; “I’m going to do something with my life today.” Without passion life becomes boring. It becomes monotonous. It becomes routine. It becomes dull.
A passionate life
God created you with the emotions to have passion and wants you to live a passionate life.
Passion is what mobilizes social change. Passion is what causes explorers to boldly go where no man’s gone before. Passion is what gives scientists the energy to stay up all night trying to find the next cure. Passion is what takes a good athlete and turns them into a great athlete where they’re breaking records.
You’ve got to have passion in your life if you want to make stuff happen – stuff that that would simply never happen without it. Do you have passion? I want us to have passion!
As a church we are talking about a passion for God and his kingdom. God wants us to be passionate about that!
What does it mean to have a culture of passion?
It’s about a genuine commitment to building a community of people who love God deeply and motivated by this love find ways to extend the good news of his kingdom to people everywhere…
It’s about taking the gospel to the ends of the earth and to the people next door with full expectation of signs and wonders and miracles, both here on a Sunday and also on the streets, at the school gate, in the work place and in the supermarket queue.
This is passion when we begin to grasp the fact that Jesus really is good news for everyone and so we want to tell everyone and in so doing extend the kingdom.
A Challenge
How passionate are we/you? Are you more passionate for God then you were a year ago?
Do you love God? Do you love people – enough to tell them about Jesus?
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