All of God’s promises are still ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’ (2 Cor 1:20)
Rob shared with the church last weekend about an encounter he had with God which went on over the whole weekend about the challenge of God’s faithfulness seen through all his promises to us:
It was last weekend that it happened. It started around about Friday night just before I went to bed…this internal voice that kept coming ‘All of My promises, All of them…’
It went on all of the next day, the Holy Spirit whispering to me – remember, remember My promises – review them – look at them – they are all positive. They are all in agreement.
That night going to bed the refrain repeated – the challenge from the Father to go back over the promises that have been made to us, throughout the generations, of His consistent faithfulness laid out through all time…
I was reminded of that moment when God took Abraham outside and made him a promise and dared him to look up, look up Abraham and count the stars – number them if you can…! Those are my promises written in the heavens for all generations and all of them – every one of them are ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’…
‘For no matter how many promises God has made…’ can you count them? Can you recall them, can you even begin to apply them? They are all in Christ, kept in him, secured by him because of his great love for us. He will finish what he started for all things will be brought to completion in him. Can you hear the ‘Amen’?
God’s Plan
His plan is full of promises, unbreakable covenants of mercy and grace, just look back and you will see – you can count the days of his faithfulness just to you. You can trace the line in your own salvation story, how he chose you, how he called you, how he poured out his love on you and drew you close.
So much is ‘Yes,’ so much is seen in the ‘Amen’, that moment of agreement when heaven and earth combine in the words that he has spoken through the millennia, words of comfort, words of reassurance, words of protection, words of love and forgiveness and grace… so many promises.
Do you know them? Can you write a list of them? Can you stand on them?
Then there are the prophesies, the personal promises, the Kairos moments of his visitation. Have you laid them aside, assumed they are all on hold now, that they are robbed by a virus, even permanently delayed…?
‘But the Lord is not slow concerning his promises…’ He has not forgotten, he is still the same, yesterday, today and forever and He never changes. That which he speaks will be done!
Get out the prophesies and speak them again. Can you find them? Can you remember them?
The whisper continues and rises to a shout, all of them, all of them too are ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’!
Our friend Ginny, frequently brings prophetic words for the church. This video was sent to Rob shortly after the encounter he described above.