Through the year as a church we have focused on prayer. On the first Sunday of the month our speakers have looked at the prayers of various people in the Bible. Our first blog post each month has also concentrated on prayer. This week Kate looks at Mary’s prayer commonly known as The Magnificat. Praying […]
How big are your prayers?
How big are your prayers? Jon’s recent talk challenged us to pray big and extra-ordinary prayers. Simon looks at how God’s actions can inspire us to do this instead of praying safe prayers. I love reading the Bible. I find it inspirational to read the stories of what God has done in times past. Seeing […]
Preparing for Battle
Preparing for Battle Within our series on Foundations in the church, there was a mini-series about spiritual warfare: learning the foundations from which to fight. The reference passage for these talks was Ephesians 6:10-16 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you […]
Praying in faith
Praying in faith Kate helps us to understand what it means to pray ‘in faith’. I’ve been thinking about how we pray ‘in faith’, and what does that mean? In the Lord’s prayer we ask God to ‘give us today our daily bread’. We can’t fake faith or try and pretend we believe, the key […]
What about investing in a ‘summer Sabbath’? Part 3: Faith
What about investing in a ‘summer Sabbath’? Part 3: Faith Having considered the roots of Sabbath rest in creation and the exodus redemption, Simon continues our series by looking at how Sabbath rest can grow our faith. Sabbath challenges us to grow our faith As God went on to reveal His perfect law to His […]
Going Deeper: Helping our children
Going Deeper: Helping our children Kate shares some suggestions for helping our children connect with God and the church family. And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us. 1 John 3:23 NIV Dear friends, let us love one another, […]
Habakkuk: Suffering & Sovereignty
Suffering & Sovereignty: A look at the message of Habakkuk Habakkuk is a fascinating little book! Tucked away in the so-called minor prophets towards the end of the Old Testament, it has a unique style and a timeless message. As a church we spent some time earlier in the year looking at its message and […]
Building and Maintaining our Spiritual Life
We are delighted to welcome Kate Millington as our guest author this week. Building and Maintaining our Spiritual Life As the summer draws to an end and I’m getting my children ready for the start of the new academic year I’m thinking about the wonderful summer we’ve had. We were very blessed this year in […]
He is alive!
He is alive! The great cry of Easter morning is, ‘He is alive!’ When Mary and her friends arrived at the tomb where Jesus’ body had been placed following the horrors of Good Friday they did not find a body to embalm. Instead they were confronted with a void occupied only by some folded grave […]
The Last Supper was actually the First Supper
This week we welcome Steve Wicking, one of the Elders of Jubilee Church. The Last Supper was actually the First Supper Just before Jesus was betrayed, tried by a kangaroo court and put to death, he shared a final meal with his disciples. This wasn’t just a farewell dinner, Jesus chose to eat this meal […]
Psalm 42 – When your soul is downcast
Psalm 42 – When your soul is downcast A longing for the presence of God is a distinctive mark of His people. There is nothing better than the experience of being with God. The riches of earth cannot compare to it. The glories of nature can only point to it. The intimacy of fellow humans […]
Science and Faith: is there a conflict?
This week’s blog post is written by Esther Sweeney Science and Faith: is there a conflict? There is a common presumption today that Science and Faith are incompatible. Due, in part, to the popularity of new atheism. In recent years the loudest proponents of this world-view, such as Richard Dawkins, appear to have lost favour, […]