Autumn Ministry School part 1
During the next few months we are going to be running a Ministry School at Jubilee. There are 7 themes within the School. Each one lasts 6 weeks and will be presented twice so that everyone has the opportunity to do two of the themes between now and Christmas. On the blog we will be presenting the thinking behind each theme and an overview of its content, starting with ‘Creativity and ..’
Creativity and …
Creativity and our identity are indelibly linked. As believers we are sons and daughters of God, adopted into God’s Kingdom. We are Ambassadors. We are born again (recreated), and co-heirs with Jesus. And creative!
As previous blog posts on this website have shown, Creativity and Identity and Creativity and Jubilee Culture, God is the Creator and we are made in His image. If we accept that He is creative then we are creative. This is the starting point for the ‘Creativity and …’ series.
Through a variety of practical activities we will be looking at creative vision and how faith and imagination play a part in creativity. Through these activities we hope to help people develop their creative nature.
Dictionary Definition
A dictionary definition of creativity is
• the state or quality of being creative.
• the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry; creativity in the performing arts.
During our sessions together we want to challenge people’s ideas about what creativity is. It isn’t only about being able to draw or paint a picture. As you can see from the dictionary it is about so much more. As Marian Parsons states:
‘Now, creativity can be displayed in different ways. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re artistic, fashionable, musical, or gifted in drawing or design. This realization will not turn your stick figures into fine art. But creative talents can be shown in writing, science, technology, athletics, and even mathematics. There are infinite ways creativity can be used every day from problem-solving to people management, encouragement to empathy.’
Marian Parsons: Created to be Creative – Bible reading plan on YouVersion
Creativity is part of our DNA. Some are gifted with talents in specific areas, but all of us are able to be creative. In developing people’s ideas about their creative nature we hope to create ways to reach out into the community.
Creativity isn’t something added on to our lives. It’s a component of how God made us, and he wants us to use it to bring glory to him.