Creativity and Identity
Our values and our identity in Christ are some of the key ingredients in making Jubilee the church that it is. In a two-part series Bernice looks at how creativity impacts on these areas. Today she looks at creativity and our Identity in Christ.
What do we mean by creativity?
Many people believe that being creative is limited to those who paint, sew, write songs, etc. The list of arts and crafts is endless. But if we limit creativity to the arts then we miss out on what creativity is. We also limit who is creative.
I like to think of creativity like a recipe. To bake a cake, for example, we gather together all the ingredients we need. These are mixed together and put in the oven to bake. When we take the tin out of the oven we have something that wasn’t there before – a cake! Anything we make or do is like this. Regardless of the monetary value of, or professional presentation of the end result, the process has been creative and likely brought you (and others) joy.
Think about hospitality. Not an obvious creative activity you may have decided. You think about the likes and dislikes of the people you have invited to your home. You provide food you know they like. You lay the table in a pleasing manner – maybe fold the paper napkins attractively. Add flowers or a decoration to the table. You go from an empty table to a comfortable place people want to spend time in.
Or think about the times you have found creative ways to solve a problem. You took several unrelated ideas and put them together to sort out a difficulty. A bit like the recipe I mentioned. Ingredients put together to make something that wasn’t there before.
Some of you will still be saying ‘but I’m not that creative!’ Let’s look at the Biblical case for saying you are, so that you can come into agreement with God.
Our Identity in Christ
Who we are in Christ is a cornerstone teaching at Jubilee. We are sons and daughters, adopted into the Kingdom, Ambassadors, born again (recreated), co-heirs with Jesus. If you’re not sure about any of this, please listen to our Identity series. Or you can follow a creative journey which uses the Identity series to guide you.
Made in His Image
You may have accepted your identity in Christ. You know who you are but are still resistant to the idea you are creative.
Why do you think that is? I believe that partly it’s because teachers, parents, society, even churches, have not recognised creative potential because of the conventional view that creativity is only fine art. The other reason is that the enemy doesn’t want us to fulfil the potential God has put in each of us.
Let’s break out of the straitjacket and see what the Bible says. Right at the beginning of the Bible we are told we are created in God’s image.
‘So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them’. Gen 1:27
In the 26 verses before this, we read about the Creator God. He created the world and everything in it.
In fact, the first characteristic we find out about God, is that he is the Creator. He has many attributes including being our healer and our provider, but first we are told he is creative. And we are made in his image.
In our DNA
Creativity is part of our DNA. Some are gifted with talents in specific areas, but all of us are able to be creative. Ask God in what areas he wants you to be creative.
Recently a friend told me that my encouragement of her to accept that creativity was a large part of how God created her, rather than to see it as a skill, not approved of in a workplace, grew spiritual maturity in her. But also she grew significantly in confidence and walking in all that she is. It had enabled her to make some life-changing decisions that have brought her freedom and happiness.
And that’s the point! Creativity isn’t something added on to our lives. It’s a component of how God made us, and he wants us to use it to bring glory to him.