How do we use stories to introduce people to Jesus? Matthew 28:18:20 and others
Life Giving River
We need to get a bigger perspective on God’s plan and engage with the River of God as it flows out. Ezekiel 47:1-12
Good Relationships
How do we navigate unforgiveness and build a healthy church culture? Romans 12:9-14
Look Again At Christmas
When did you last look at Christmas and discover God’s plan for ‘ordinary people’? Various Bible Verses
Joseph’s Dilemma
Joseph had an impossible dilemma and then God spoke… Matthew 1:18-25
Praying with Mary
What can we learn from the song of prayer, praise and obedience that Mary brings as a response to the calling on her life? Luke 1:39-56
God provides for our needs so we can be open-handed in generously sharing with others. Phil 4:17 (and others)
Overcoming Temptations
What does Jesus teach us about overcoming temptation and self-reliance? Matthew 4:1-11
The Gift of Tongues
What is the gift of tongues and how do we use it? 1 Corinthians 14:1-22
Good News of the Gospel
The Gospel is good news for everyone, so why does it sometimes sound like bad news? Colossians 1:3-8
Praying with Paul
Catching some of Paul’s fire for the Gospel. Romans 1:8-15
Do It Again
When we face trials or uncertainty we need to pray, remember and stand. Habakkuk 3:1-16