A Spirit of Community Our aim at Jubilee Church is to build a community of people who know who they are, who know what they’ve got and who know what they are called to do. We looked at these three aspects previously. But what is community? As we start a new year, here on the […]
Let’s honour one another
Let’s honour one another As we came together recently to celebrate the life Queen Elizabeth ll, much has been said about duty, honour and respect. On her 21st birthday the Queen promised that her life would be in our service, and she was true to her word. Her sense of duty and service was shored […]
Creativity and Jubilee Culture
Creativity and Jubilee Culture Last time we looked at how creativity is an innate part of our human makeup. This time Bernice shows how creativity is a large part of the culture at Jubilee. What do we mean by culture? Culture for Jubilee is about the kind of church we want to be. Culture sets […]
The church as family
Today’s blog post is by Paul Norris. Paul works as a Software Consultant in the fashion retail industry. He is passionate about the church and seeing people from all walks of life come to know Jesus. Paul has 1 wife, 4 children and 7 tarantulas. The church as family Families are amazing things. They are […]
Clothed with Dignity
This week’s post is from the Storehouse team. Clothed with Dignity People ask me “Why did you set up the Storehouse? And what’s it all about?” Well the answer is quite simple really, we set it up because as a Church we felt we had to respond practically to the very real needs that families […]
Exploring Jubilee
Exploring Jubilee Family is an important part of the culture of Jubilee. It’s one of our five values which we aim to live out together. We believe that the church is a supernatural super-family tied by something thicker than blood. We forgive mistakes, celebrate each other’s victories and work towards growing up into the likeness […]
What does serving look like to you?
What does serving look like to you? Recently Paul Norris talked about being Devoted to Fellowship which included serving one another. He said: “When we see that the early church were devoted to the fellowship it shows a devotion to the whole, a devotion to who they are together. A devotion to serving. But this […]
Jubilee Culture: Why is it important to define our culture?
Jubilee Culture: Why is it important to define our culture? Why is it important to define our culture and how are we going to cultivate it? So far we have looked at two of the cultural values of Jubilee Church: Family and Honour. Before we look at the other 3 values – passion, courage and […]
Jubilee Culture: Honour
Jubilee Culture: Honour Our values are really important to us. It’s what makes Jubilee the church that it is. Recently we shared on the blog about Family and today we will look at another of our important values: Honour. ‘A culture of honour is created as a community of people learns to discern and receive […]