Looking for something at Christmas? Christmas shopping is all about looking. Some people enjoy hours spent browsing around shops considering lots of different options before finalising their purchase. Others arrive at a pre-determined shop with a clear idea of the present they are going to buy and ten focussed minutes later have completed the task. […]
A Summer Series
A Summer Series: 1 Thessalonians Let me ask you a question: If you visited a new city with no established church how long would you expect it to be until there was an established church there? What sort of timeframe would you place on this – days? weeks? months? a year? a couple of years? […]
Red Letter Days: Nehemiah
Red Letter Days: Introducing a new series A Red Letter Day is a day of significance or opportunity. It is the sort of day that a person looks back on and picks out as memorable or life-changing. In the Bible we read about the lives of different characters, many of whom experienced days which changed […]
Equipped for Life: Jubilee Bible School
Equipped for Life: Jubilee Bible School Following our November introductory session, January saw the ‘official’ launch of Jubilee Bible School. The vision for the Bible School has come out of our desire to be people equipped for living out lives which glorify God. We believe that one way to do this is to encounter God […]
Good news! Great joy! For all!
Good news! Great joy! For all! At this time of year Christmas takes over. Everywhere you look glittery Christmas trees sparkle, decorations dangle, Nativity plays are rehearsed and shoppers bustle about looking for gifts. It seems that all our attention for weeks on end is focussed on preparing for one day. To think about and […]
Equipped for Life: Jubilee Bible School
Equipped for Life: Jubilee Bible School ‘The unfolding of Your words gives light’ (Psalm 119:130 NASB) Experiencing the Power of God’s Word Central to the purpose of the church is the equipping of believers to be effective disciples, or followers, of Jesus. At Jubilee we want to take this seriously and provide a whole […]