10 Words part 5
In the last of our 10 Words series we look at the final two words from Rob’s talk Surviving Hard Times.
We need to appreciate the beauty of childlike wonder. We must not lose it for in such curiosity is a mind that never stops learning and a body that never gets old. Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Mt 18:3)
We are restricted to travelling locally but look in your garden, look in your local park. There are signs of Spring coming. Buds and flowers are already appearing. Look through the photographs you have taken of awe-inspiring views. Watch nature documentaries and see the amazing world God created. Read Psalm 8. Read Natalie’s poem You Made All Things.
One of the most important things we need to learn in surviving hard times is how to guard our hearts with peace. We are promised this by Paul: And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:7)
We may struggle with anxiety during hard times and uncertain times, but we can speak peace to ourselves.
We can ask the Holy Spirit to come and fill us, offering our bodies to him again as a temple of his dwelling. Then close our eyes and begin to speak to ourselves in the same way that Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves saying, ‘peace be still’.
Declare out loud:
• I speak to my head, to my thoughts and the tightness in my throat and I say peace be still
• I speak to my chest and any tightness there, to my lungs and to my breathing and I say peace be still
• I speak to my heart and any racing, to my stomach and any churning, I say peace be still
• I speak to my joints and muscles, to any stress manifesting in my frame and the way I am holding myself and I say relax – peace be still
And Jesus I let your peace guard my heart – a peace which you said the world cannot know but it is your peace that you give to me! Amen
Our series has come to an end. Did any of these words stand out to you?
Control. Hope. Imagine. Celebrate. Laugh. Words. No. Remember. Wonder. Peace.
Take some time to look back through the words. Perhaps download the talk and listen to it again. Let the Holy Spirit minister to you through it. Ask the Good Shepherd to pastor you, leading you into green pastures and by still waters so that you know only survive but thrive in your relationship with him over this time.
Simon reminded us in his talk Jesus’ Kingdom Manifesto that we will benefit from these words as we meditate on them whilst we continue through hard times. He reminded us that these are words that we carry because we proclaim the good news of the gospel.
Words of hope and peace and truth are gospel words.
Control, remember, being able to say no, imagining and wonder, are about justice and freedom.
To celebrate and laugh is about the year of the favour of the Lord.
These words aren’t just for us. They’re words we carry with us.