Alison leads the Children’s Storehouse team. Here she shares about the privilege of serving from a heart of love.
“What more can we do?”
These are the words that are living with me at the moment. Sometimes we can feel that there is so much need that we just don’t know where to start and can feel so overwhelmed that it becomes paralysing. The temptation then is to do nothing because quite simply we just don’t know where to start.
For me, I am constantly asking the question ‘What more can I do?’ it is quite simple really, it is a lifestyle of being ready to respond, or in Heidi Baker language looking to see who is ‘the one’ that God has put in front of you each day to show His love to.
Love and compassion
The Storehouse began out of an obedient response to practically demonstrate God’s heart of love and compassion to those in our community who are experiencing financial hardship for whatever reason. We at the Storehouse, get to play a part in demonstrating practically His heart of love to some of the most poor, needy and vulnerable in our society. Yes, ‘the poor will always be with us’ but If we are truly His disciples, we cannot allow those feelings of overwhelming need to paralyse us into inactivity.
Mathew 25v 36-40 make this quite clear…
“I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me… when did we see you a stranger and welcome you or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you in prison and visit you? And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
We show God’s heart of love and compassion to our neighbours because we cannot help but leak out God’s love extravagantly and exuberantly and with great joy! It is not a hardship, a chore or done out of a sense of drudgery. It is a privilege to serve out of a heart motivated by love.
What more can I do?
So, please can I ask you to stand with us in prayer and powerful actions in responding to this question- ‘What more can I do?’
Practical suggestions for Jubilee Church:
• Take a wash bag on Sunday and return it the next week.
• Volunteer to serve on a Wednesday helping with sorting clothes/ serving families
• Support our latest Christmas campaign ‘Bag a book’
Or come and talk to me to see ‘What more I can do.’
Thank you.
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