How will you react to Jesus as King? Luke 5:27 – 6:10
Outrageous Worship In The Face of Injustice
3 Keys to outrageous worship Psalm 73
I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life
John 14: 1-11 The path to the Kingdom is hard but Jesus has done all of the work
What About the Oppressors?
We may not get all the answers to ‘Why’ or ‘How Long’, but we know that God will always triumph. Habakkuk 2:6-20
Devoted to Your Calling
To be devoted to our calling is to be devoted to God.
Standing Up for the Gospel
We have a gospel based on grace and faith alone. Ephesians 2:1-11
Jesus Will Return
Be prepared but not panicked for Jesus’ return. 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 5:11
Lessons from Joseph in Jail
Joseph’s darkest hour and his response Genesis 40: 1-23
The Choice of Hope
The choice of staying hopeful and making decisions of hope no matter what your circumstances
Heart Surgery Required?
Fulfilment of the law, righteousness and dealing with sin
Truth, Hope and Adventure
Having a heart that passionately burns for God – knowing the truth, having hope, taking action
God’s Word: Delight and Power
Delighting in God’s word and applying it to our lives