Saturated in Prayer
The first week of the month during 2023 we have been focussed on prayer. The talk on the first Sunday of most months has also been focussed on prayer. There has been an emphasis on looking at how different people in the Bible prayed.
Saturated in Prayer
Rob introduced the series and explained why the priority of prayer throughout 2023.
Praying with Abraham
Simon showed us how God gave Abraham an invitation to engage in prayer and that He gives us the same invitation as individuals and as a church.
Praying with Moses
Tom talked about how Moses loved the presence of God, knew the importance of the corporate identity that it brought and asked for more
Praying with Hannah
Beccy spoke about how God calls us into action in prayer; to battle with our own disappointments, take them to Him, stand up and boldly pray.
Praying with Solomon
Simon talked about putting God in perspective that He would be lifted high in all the nations.
Praying with Hezekiah
Dom introduced us to Hezekiah and how we can learn to pray in the face of threat
Praying with Daniel
Jon recommended we look back and use what God has done, and said, to inspire and provoke us to pray extraordinary prayers.
Praying with the Early Church
Prayer was a characteristic of the Early Church. Simon looked at what can we learn from how they prayed?
Praying with Paul
Paul was passionate about us catching some of the Apostle Paul’s fire for the Gospel.
Praying with Mary
Simon and Kate talked about Mary and her response to God’s call on her life.
It has been fascinating to hear how various people responded to God through prayer. Thank you to all those who spoke during 2023.