Planting a Spiritual Legacy
Recently Peter Davey wrote about Elijah and the spiritual legacy he left through his investment in Elisha. Today Wendy, our lead children’s worker, looks at the spiritual legacy she is planting in Jubilee Kids.
When pondering spiritual legacy I am automatically hit with the truth that I am not, as I like to believe, invincible, and the truth is, I will not live forever (at least not in this body!) Now as well as this, and I don’t know if this something that happens to all of us, but I have realised quite recently that the ‘young person’ I have always believed myself to be no longer exists.
Yes, shock, horror, I am no longer sixteen! And, truth be told, this realisation has been quite a surprise to me! In fact I am still amazed that a lot of the sensible, mature, grown up people around me are in fact quite a bit younger than me!
An incredible passion
But why you may ask, am I sharing this with you?
Well, alongside this new understanding of my maturing years, has also come an incredible desire, passion, vision, call it what you will, to leave behind something that will stand the test of time long after I have gone to spend eternity with my wonderful Jesus!
And in light of this, and if you know me, I hope it will be no surprise to you that I am truly passionate about our Jubilee children becoming all that God has called them to be. I often look at our lovely children and I see missionaries and evangelists. I see prophets, apostles, preachers, pastors, teachers, the list goes on and on.
I see children that will grow up to transform this world, to change nations, to love and care for the poor, to bring healing, to lead many to Jesus, and to be the people that God has called them to be.
You might think I am being somewhat over dramatic here? But, no, I honestly don’t think I am. Why shouldn’t we believe that our God has incredible plans and futures for our kids?
An overriding desire
As a result of this, our overriding desire in Jubilee Kids (aka Xplosion Kids) is not only to help our children understand, experience and know Jesus for themselves, but to grow into all that God has for them.
Throughout all of the planning for kids work we always seek to be led by God in what we’re teaching each week.
In the autumn term for example our theme ‘Chosen Kids’ looked at different Bible characters and we found out about how God chose them and used them. We then helped the children to see the truth that God has also chosen and called them.
Mission Possible
This last term our theme ‘Mission Possible’ has focused on reaching out with the gospel both here and into the nations. The children have loved hearing the sacrificial stories of missionaries like CT Studd, Jim Elliot and Jackie Pullinger. It was great to be able to broaden the children’s understanding of God’s love for the many different nations that make up this planet.
As any team member will tell you it is an absolute honour and privilege working with and alongside our Jubilee children, encouraging them and cheering them on to run into all that God has for them.
Returning then to the theme of ‘spiritual legacy’ with which I began my ponderings, I am so excited to think that in fifty years time (when realistically I’ll be singing and roaring with the angels) I will have played a part in equipping our children to be the adults that God has made them to be!
What an honour and a privilege! I can’t think of anything else I’d rather be more involved in. Can you?
Thank you Wendy for sharing about your passion to see the children at Jubilee Church grow into all that God has created them to be.