One Thing I Know
Peter writes about the ‘one thing’ he knows. He also introduces us to various times when people in the Bible knew their ‘one thing’.
Have you been through periods when you have no idea why your circumstances or events are taking place? A time (or times) when you have thought or said, “I’ve no idea why this is happening”?
At one such period in my life I came to understand that the only thing of which I could be certain was – I know that I love God and I know He loves me! As for the rest I don’t know why it’s happening to me.
Such a deep down confidence kept me trusting and waiting for things to change – which they did eventually!
Jesus heals the man born blind
I have found myself somewhat amused by the account of the healing in John 9 of the man born blind! The general public (v8), the religious leaders (v12-15), some of whom even doubted that he had been blind at all (v18) and his parents (v20-21), were each amazed by the facts presented to them that the man who had undoubtedly been blind from birth could now see!!
For the second time (v24-25) the Jewish leaders interrogated him until realising that they would not believe the man gave this glorious response; “Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind , now I see.”
A short time later the man met Jesus again and came to clarity about who Jesus is and then he himself believed (v35-38)
One thing
Here are a few more ‘one thing’ references to consider:
In Psalm 27:4 David makes his glorious positive declaration of God as his Light and. Salvation then shares his paramount desire; “one thing I ask …”
In Mark 10:21 Jesus tells the sincere rich young man “… one thing you lack
How many of us have sympathised with Martha and Mary but in Luke 10:42 Jesus brings a word of wisdom for busy, troubled people –“… one thing is needed…”
Finally …
In Phil 3:13 Paul declares that despite all that he has achieved there is still “…one thing I do…”
What ‘one thing’ do you cling to?