Ezra-Nehemiah part 2
In this post we will look at the second five of the talks that made up a 10 part series on the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. The links to the podcasts are in the headings.
Law & Order
Peter took up Ezra’s story showing us how Ezra formalised the structure of religion. The Law became more important than the presence of God. Peter went on to talk about how we need to show grace, love and understanding to people rather than being judgemental.
Broken Walls, Broken Cities
Becky introduced Nehemiah. She described how he took responsibility in prayer and looked for God’s solutions to the task he had been given. Becky talked about how Nehemiah began to partner with others in the work.
Working Against Opposition
Rob talked about how Nehemiah dealt with opposition. First with prayer and then faith-led action. He brought the people together giving different jobs to different people. He counteracted the lies of the opposition with fearless truth. Rob recommended that when we face opposition that we should ask God for wisdom and His strategy.
Remember the Poor
In the penultimate talk of the series, Simon described the injustices people were facing and how Nehemiah dealt with the problems. He challenged us to think about how we can respond to current injustices and prioritise the poor in what we do.
We Need A Revival
Rob concluded the series with an overview of the last seven chapters of the book of Nehemiah. He emphasised the move of God that happened as Nehemiah encouraged the people to confess their sin and to celebrate God’s faithfulness to them. Rob recommended we pray for a move of God within Jubilee church and revival across the world.