Our aim is to demonstrate God’s heart of compassion to families in need in the Solihull area and its neighbouring communities.

We provide free, good quality, pre-loved children’s clothes to families in need. These are available through a referral system, and we accept referrals from statutory organisations across the Birmingham and Solihull area. The Children's Storehouse is open to families with appointments on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am until 3pm, during term time only.
You can contact the Children's Storehouse on 07809 736875
We are located above Côte Brasserie
141 High Street
B91 3SR
You can find regular updates on Facebook
or sign up to receive the
Children's Storehouse Newsletter

We accept donations of all kinds of children’s clothing from birth to 18 years old. Take a look at the list below for some inspiration:
- Clothing for babies – baby grows, vests, outfits, new-born hats. We also currently accept muslin squares, bibs, scratch mits, and baby sleeping bags.
- Tops - Vests, crop tops, t-shirts
- Underwear – Bras, new pants, socks, tights
- Nightwear – Pyjamas, nighties
- Bottoms – Jeans, joggers, leggings, skirts
- Outer-layers – Sweatshirts, hoodies, jumpers, cardigans, coats
- Shoes – Trainers, school shoes
- Other – Dresses, non-badged school uniform, bedding (single & double duvet covers), towels, toiletries, small toys, books.
If you would like to donate something that is not on the list above, please do check with us before donating as we may not be able to accept it.
Examples of items we may not accept are: School shorts, summer dresses and PE kits, used pants, duvets, wellies, bikes, pushchairs, car seats, etc. This is either due to hygiene reasons, storage, or demand.
Please check out Facebook page for some of our more current and specific needs.
Important information about donations: Please can you make sure that your clothing donations are good quality with no rips or stains. To reflect our values of ‘clothing families with dignity’ we would kindly ask that you make sure that your donations are freshly laundered and put in labelled bags with all sizes clearly marked.
Amazon Wish List
We do accept donations via our Amazon Wishlist which you can find HERE.
How can I donate?
Our yellow donation bins are available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9am to 4pm.
We would kindly ask that donations are only left within the times stated. If donations are left out, they could spoil and be a nuisance to our neighbours. We are really grateful for your support with this.
These yellow bins can be found at the back entrance of our building, (accessed at Delivery Area A, Drury Lane, Mell Square via George Road near Morrisons) Click HERE to watch a short video for more information.
Location of Children's Storehouse Donation Bins
We need £25,000 a year to sustain every aspect of our work and to continue meeting the growing demand for our service.
Supporting us by committing to a regular monthly donation will mean that we can continue to run the core administrative and building costs that underpin the essential work of the Children’s Storehouse.
We welcome one off donations and regular giving. Please consider supporting the invaluable work we do in clothing families in our community. Whatever you give, however big or small, is gratefully received.
Standing Order
The most convenient and reliable way to give regularly is to give direct into our bank account.
Bank: The Co-operative Bank
Account Name: Jubilee Solihull Community Trust
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65857955
One Off Donations
You can give a one-off donation using the button below.
Please ensure you select 'The Children's Storehouse' in the fund dropdown menu.
Please also consider selecting the 'Increase my donation to cover the transaction fee' option.
This will help us receive the maximum funds we can.
Please contact us if you require any further details.
We only accept referrals made by frontline professionals; we call them referral partners. We currently have over 80 referral partners including local schools, health visiting teams, Council teams, Children’s Services, The Community Advice Hub, The Citizens Advice Solihull Bureau and many more.
If you need a referral and you’re a Solihull resident, you can contact The Community Advice Hub or the CASB. If you are a Birmingham resident, you can access support from your local Early Help Team.
If you need our help and you’re unsure how to access a referral please contact us, using the online form on this page.
What can you expect from us?
You can expect to be treated with kindness and compassion.
We have two appointment types.
Once we have received a referral for you from one of our referral partners. You will have the choice of two appointment types. You will be offered either a face-to-face appointment, (where you come into the Storehouse to choose your own children’s clothing) or a pre-selected clothes parcel appointment (where we put a clothes parcel together for you).
What is in a clothes parcel?
We offer 'top to toe' clothing for children aged from birth to 18 years. A clothes parcel typically includes; clothing suitable for babies, tops, underwear, nightwear, bottoms, outer layers and shoes.
What else do we offer?
Depending on the donations we receive we may also be able to provide toiletries, toys, books, bedding and some generic items of school uniform.
We work with referral partners, because they are the ones who work with families already identified as needing additional support.
Online referrals can be made for families who live in Solihull and its neighbouring communities and can be for a wide range of circumstances, such as: people who have fled domestic abuse, experiencing homelessness, financial hardship, or who are refugees or asylum seekers.
We rely on the professional judgement of our referral partners to make referrals for families who are in genuine need. We don’t make any further assessments.
So, if you are working with a family that is in need of clothing then we would love for you sign up and become a referral partner!
How do I sign up?
You can email us on admin.storehouse@jubileesolihull.org for more information. We will ask you for the names of up to 5 colleagues who will be able to make referrals for your team. There is no charge to our service but from time to time we do ask you to support our campaigns to help make the service we provide sustainable.
We look forward to hearing from you!
We are keen to connect with fellow churches who are interested in supporting the essential work of the Children’s Storehouse. The service we offer to families experiencing financial hardship is free, and so we are looking for Churches to partner with us and help make what we do become sustainable.
What does it mean to become a church partner?
Partnering with us and committing to a regular monthly donation will mean that we can continue to cover all the essential and core administrative costs that underpin the Children’s Storehouse and which in turn will enable us to continue to meet the growing needs of vulnerable families that are referred to us.
What are we asking for?
We are asking for Church Partners to commit to regular monthly donation of £50/ £100/ £200. You can do this online using credit/debit card or by direct bank transfer.
What can you expect from partnering with us?
- Regular newsletter updates about what’s happening in the Storehouse
- Regular financial reports so you can see where your money is going
- Becoming a prayer partner!
- Impact stories of families we have helped
- Video updates to share with your Church
- Breakfast Prayer/ networking gathering
If you would like some more information on becoming a Church Partner, then please do contact us on admin.storehouse@jubileesolihull.org and we can send you some more information.
Become a business partner!
We are inviting local businesses to partner with us in supporting The Children’s Storehouse to make what we do financially sustainable, enabling us to continue serving the families in our community who are so desperate for the service we provide.
Our invitation to partner is therefore 3-fold and includes a donation towards Storehouse essentials, volunteer opportunities and a contribution towards our core costs.
1. A Donation towards Clothing Essentials
This could either be from the business itself or from fundraising events hosted by the business /employees. These financial donations help us to provide clothing and other essentials for children in need. You are welcome to ask us more about which essential items we have need of at the time of your event/ donation, so you know exactly what it has gone towards.
2. Employee Volunteer Opportunities
We can offer you volunteer days during work hours to encourage giving back and spreading kindness. Employees can participate in sorting clothes and making a difference. They will learn about the different operations of the Storehouse and about the impact that we have on local families.
3. Contribution towards Core Costs
Partnering with us and committing to a regular monthly donation will mean that we can continue to run the essential administrative systems that underpin the Children’s Storehouse, which includes communication with referral agencies and outside organisations. It also helps us to fund the ongoing building costs and practical requirements and help us support our amazing team of volunteers, which in turn will enable us to continue to meet the growing needs of vulnerable families that are referred to us. Our current annual target is 25k a year.
If you would like to talk some more about partnering with us, then please do get in touch, we would love to hear from you! alison.storehouse@jubileesolihull.org.
Get in touch if you want more information about the Children's Storehouse