God’s Perfect Love Leading up to Christmas we are featuring a three part series Peace, Love, Joy. Today we are looking at God’s love for us. God’s Love Letter The whole of the Bible can be seen as a love letter to God’s people. There are too many times to mention here when God’s love […]
What In The World Is Going On?
What In The World Is Going On? The last few months of 2019 saw unrest and unhappiness, not just in the UK but across many countries around the world. There was bullying, rancour, name calling, turmoil, wars and rumours of wars. In all, it was not a pleasant time and many may have asked: What […]
Introducing the Jubilee team: Alison
Introducing Alison Returning to our ‘interviews’ with team members, let’s meet Alison. How did you become a Christian? Well, I had been brought up by my mum to go to Church and to Sunday school, but it was when I was on a “weekend away” at the age of 12 that I realised going to […]