Following on from Peter’s post, encouraging us to sit and rest, Hazel introduces the idea of finding God in the silent moments. Silence I recently read the book ‘Silence’ by Joanna Nyland. Together with the theme in my recent daily readings it has encouraged me to think about how God calls us sometimes to find […]
Beyond exhaustion!
Although each year officially ends in December, to parents, pupils and teachers the year ends in July. Before we get into the busyness of getting away on holiday and getting ready for a new school year in September, Peter reminds us of the need to rest. Beyond exhaustion! Do you ever feel too tired to […]
What about investing in a ‘summer Sabbath’? Part 4: Justice
What about investing in a ‘summer Sabbath’? Part 4: Justice In this final part of the series, Simon considers the implications of Sabbath rest in the light of God’s kingdom priorities. Sabbath helps to realign our priorities It would be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that keeping the Sabbath is just a […]
What about investing in a ‘summer Sabbath’? Part 3: Faith
What about investing in a ‘summer Sabbath’? Part 3: Faith Having considered the roots of Sabbath rest in creation and the exodus redemption, Simon continues our series by looking at how Sabbath rest can grow our faith. Sabbath challenges us to grow our faith As God went on to reveal His perfect law to His […]
What about investing in a ‘summer Sabbath’? Part 2: Redemption
What about investing in a ‘summer Sabbath’? Part 2: Redemption Following the first instalment looking at the origins of the Sabbath at creation, Simon continues with our mini-series on Sabbath rest. Sabbath reminds us of our redemption Now here I need to apologise because I rather lazily used the word ‘Sabbath’ without proper explanation in […]
What about investing in a ‘summer Sabbath’? Part 1: Creation
What about investing in a ‘summer Sabbath’? Part 1: Creation This summer as a church we are taking an extended pause in our centrally planned and run events. Lockdown due to coronavirus has thrown up huge challenges for how we have connected and continued as a church. The usual activities have changed. The usual ways […]