Blessed to be a blessing Genesis 12:2-3 starts with God’s words to Abram (Abraham): “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all […]
Saturated in Prayer
Saturated in Prayer The first week of the month during 2023 we have been focussed on prayer. The talk on the first Sunday of most months has also been focussed on prayer. There has been an emphasis on looking at how different people in the Bible prayed. Saturated in Prayer Rob introduced the series and […]
Praying with Mary
Through the year as a church we have focused on prayer. On the first Sunday of the month our speakers have looked at the prayers of various people in the Bible. Our first blog post each month has also concentrated on prayer. This week Kate looks at Mary’s prayer commonly known as The Magnificat. Praying […]
Gratitude: The Attitude Worth Having
Gratitude: The Attitude Worth Having Psychologist, Dr. C. looks at the benefits of expressing gratitude both physically and mentally. As a Psychologist I am always fascinated with the intricacies of the brain. Its function. Its complexity. The way it’s put together. How beautifully and wonderfully we are made. And how even the brightest minds currently […]
Praying ‘outwards’
Praying ‘outwards’ In this month’s prayer-focused post, Jodie provides practical ideas for how we can pray ‘outwards’ for those around us, our communities and the world. Over the last few months we’ve thought a lot about prayer and explored how it is essentially communicating with, seeking and listening to God. We’ve considered how we can […]
Aspects of prayer
Aspects of prayer Jill Davey shares with us different aspects of her prayer life. Gratitude I often find myself starting to pray with gratitude; not just for the everyday things, but thanking God for who He is. He is my Saviour, Father and the one who sits upon the throne putting all thing under His […]
How big are your prayers?
How big are your prayers? Jon’s recent talk challenged us to pray big and extra-ordinary prayers. Simon looks at how God’s actions can inspire us to do this instead of praying safe prayers. I love reading the Bible. I find it inspirational to read the stories of what God has done in times past. Seeing […]
Praying on all occasions
Praying on all occasions Jen shows us what praying on all occasions might look like for each of us. She gives us ideas for how we might train ourselves in this area. Many of us know what praying on all occasions look like and many of our church family model it so well…and some of […]
Preparing for Battle
Preparing for Battle Within our series on Foundations in the church, there was a mini-series about spiritual warfare: learning the foundations from which to fight. The reference passage for these talks was Ephesians 6:10-16 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you […]
Praying in faith
Praying in faith Kate helps us to understand what it means to pray ‘in faith’. I’ve been thinking about how we pray ‘in faith’, and what does that mean? In the Lord’s prayer we ask God to ‘give us today our daily bread’. We can’t fake faith or try and pretend we believe, the key […]
As Above, So Below
As Above, So Below – What I’m Learning about Intercessory Prayer Becky helps us to understand intercessory prayer and how to be an intercessor. I wonder what comes to mind when you hear the word ‘intercessor’? I always imagined an older lady, sitting in a chair, praying fervently for hours at a time. I wanted […]
A call to pray… like Elijah prayed.
A call to pray… like Elijah prayed. Over past months I have kept coming back to the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 17- 19 and his national context. I have been really provoked by his faith along with the Apostle James’ encouragement in chapter 5:13-18 to model ourselves on Elijah in a time of […]