Although each year officially ends in December, to parents, pupils and teachers the year ends in July. Before we get into the busyness of getting away on holiday and getting ready for a new school year in September, Peter reminds us of the need to rest.
Beyond exhaustion!
Do you ever feel too tired to read your Bible, take time to pray, be still in God’s presence, or get together with other believers? I know that I have often felt like that!
With four meetings weekly in our home for twelve years, people often staying for meals, phone calls, visits a fulltime job and three young children there were times when I prayed “Lord I’m tired, please keep people away”. After several days, I would wonder why we had neither seen nor heard from anyone until I remembered, apologised, and thanked God for the break, things would gradually return to normal.
On one occasion I was at Poole Quay as a fishing boat returned. The fishermen began to climb up the steps from the boat and it was obvious just how exhausted they were!
Immediately I was reminded of Jesus’ request in Luke 5 after he had used Simon’s boat as a ‘teaching platform’.
Luke 5:4 … When he had finished, he said to Peter, “Now row out to deep water to cast your nets and you will have a great catch.”
Peter’s response was ‘we’re exhausted after working all night and catching nothing, but because you say so I’ll let down the nets…’
Watching the fishermen at Poole quay, who obviously had caught fish, I realized that “only Jesus would have the boldness to ask exhausted, disappointed Simon to go out again!’
In Colossians 1:29 Paul uses the same wording to describe his own exhaustion.
… I labour (unto weariness) striving with all the superhuman energy which He so mightily enkindles and works within me (AMP Classic Bible)
One commentator writes: ‘To labour to weariness, often used of manual labour, is a favourite word of St. Paul’s’.
The figurative use of “striving” (“agonizing,” i.e. “contending in the arena”) is only used by Paul in the New Testament.
Another commentator explained that when Paul had reached the end of his own strength he was strengthened directly by God – translated ‘superhuman energy’ above.
Pause and remember
So maybe you will ponder these comments next time you feel exhausted and be encouraged that you are not alone!
Remember Jesus also sat by the well because he was so tired after a journey (John 5.6)
Like Jesus take time to pause from doing to sit and rest a moment in God’s presence and allow His refreshing strength to restore you.
Remember the awesome catch which resulted from Simon’s (reluctant) obedience and the amazing encounter Jesus had with the woman at the well and be encouraged.
Video: Still
Thank you Peter.