A 2016 Jubilee Review
Well, what an incredible year 2016 has been for us here at Jubilee! I recently did a summary of the year for our trustees and we counted up more than 20 major developments in the church over the year, which is a staggering demonstration of the goodness of God to us!
Here are just three highlights from that list I want to share with you:
Jago House
Just over a year ago, we took over the top floor of a tatty office complex in the town centre which at over 15,000 square feet seemed rather too big for us! Over the year we have gradually refurbished the meeting room, a 24-7 prayer room and a new area for our growing kids work.
We have not fundraised for any of this or even asked the church for the money – all we did was set out the vision and ask God to provide; which he has time and time again, through different generous people sometimes in the very week we have needed it!
New Website and Logo
After 5 years we thought it was about time for a refresh and change!! We have worked so hard on founding Jubilee and now wanted to find some way of expressing and recording the look, feel and sound of what we are about in media form.
Our five values: Family, Authenticity, Honour, Passion and Courage are so important to us and we love the way that our designer Nic Wilmot has captured the feel of the church in how the website looks and how our writer Phil Clarke has captured the sound of Jubilee in the words he has used especially in the values section.
Since the launch of the website we have had more visitors than ever before!
Lives Changed
What really makes it all worth it is when we hear all the stories back of lives that have been changed by the power of God in all kinds of different ways; some small, some big. So for example, we ran our first parenting course, which was attended by 11 parents over 6 weeks and was life changing for a number of families all in one go. We have also sent a number of people abroad both on short-term mission trips and longer ones too – even permanent, continuing to support churches around the world.
We have also seen a number of people healed, including a lady in the last couple of weeks who has had her vision dramatically improved following prayer and a young man who having been an alcoholic for nearly 5 years finding freedom and with help from our friends at Alcoholics Anonymous has had more than 7 months sobriety – the longest period since a teenager!
If 2016 is anything to go by then anything could happen in 2017! We have already made a good start with the launch of Jubilee Bible School and the Prophecy Conference