Ten Words part 3
In this third post of a five part series we will look at two more words from Rob’s talk Surviving Hard Times.
There is nothing like a good laugh to get you through hard times. It’s true: laughter is strong medicine as the saying goes.
Find out all the benefits of laughter in this article. There are mental, physical and social benefits from laughing and being cheerful. Proverbs 17:22 (TPT) tells us ‘A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul’.
So, when was the last time you laughed? Really laughed.
Make the most of laughter, look for the funny in everything. Never take yourself or life so seriously you forget how to laugh.
In God’s presence, we are told, is fullness of joy. In Psalm 2, the Psalmist tells us that God sits in heaven and he laughs!
Even one of Job’s comforters makes him this promise that God ‘will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy’. (Job 8:21)
What makes you laugh? Who makes you laugh? Make space for laughter to lighten your heart!
Declare out loud:
Lord will you unlock the storehouses of joy over my life. Help me to laugh. To laugh at impossibility, to laugh with simplicity. To take the medicine of heaven and heal my own heart.
Be careful about the words that you allow to live within your head. Sometimes they slip out in unguarded moments and they say so much about what is going on inside our hearts. Watch the words you live by and find a way to talk to yourself that helps you to feel free on the inside.
Listen to Rob’s talk The Power of Our Words. He talks about how words have the power to shape and direct our whole life either for good or for harm.
Proverbs 18:4 “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”
How are you feeling about yourself and your life at the moment? Just watch that your words are not lies bound up with some truth that are designed to stop you from being the person God made you to be.
Declare out loud:
Father will you show me any lies I am believing about myself, my life or even about you right now so that I can cancel them and be set free. Help me to stay free on the inside because where there is truth I am set free and where you Spirit lives there is freedom.