10 Words part 2
In this second post of a five part series we will look at two more words from Rob’s talk Surviving Hard Times.
The fact that we can imagine means that we don’t have to live in the confinement and limitations of our current circumstances and restriction but in the freedom of our own imagination.
For many people, these last months have been a time for creativity. New books have been written, new pictures have been drawn, now products have been invented, new businesses have been set up. People have found new ways of doing things.
Can you imagine what our lives will be like when we are released from restrictions? Will we go back to the old ‘normal’? What do you want your future to look like?
The Bible tells us that God has prepared things for those who love him:
‘Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine – these are the many things God has in store … (1 Cor. 2:9 TPT).
It’s time to dream!
Declare out loud:
Lord Jesus, please show me what the Father is doing today so that I can follow you in that – because that is what I want to do too! Help me to dream with you. Come saturate my imagination with new thoughts and ideas that come from you.
It has been hard in the last 12 months to stay positive. The media has made the most of our tendency to dwell on the negative and has bombarded us with doom and gloom, fear and despair. The bible tells us that what we look at is what we tend to become… so is it any wonder we become so discouraged and fearful so much of the time?
Surviving hard times requires a different attitude because it is our attitude that so often determines our altitude. How high we fly!
We need to discipline ourselves to always look for the positive in every situation because even the smallest detail can make a big difference – if not to our circumstances and our relationships, definitely to our hearts and well-being.
What good things can you celebrate this week? What are you grateful for? At the end of each day this week, celebrate the positive things that have happened – however small the win may be!
Use Philippians 4:8 in whichever translation you prefer to:
Declare out loud:
‘So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always’. (TPT)