Multiplying Disciples: Introduction 28th October 2018Discipleship is about directing people to Jesus. Series: Multiplying DisciplesSpeaker: Rob Davey
Go and Make Disciples 4th November 2018God has given us all that we need to go. Series: Multiplying DisciplesSpeaker: Paul Norris
Mission Disciple Making 12th November 2018Jesus said go and make disciples, not stay and make disciples. Matthew 5:14 Series: Multiplying DisciplesSpeaker: Becky Floy
Where to Find Them 18th November 2018We need to cultivate an openness to what God is doing around us. Series: Multiplying DisciplesSpeaker: Rob Davey
All The Nations 25th November 2018God’s great promise is to bless all nations of the earth. Matthew 28:16-20 Series: Multiplying DisciplesSpeaker: Simon Clay
What About the Church? 2nd December 2018The Church is for making disciple makers. Series: Multiplying DisciplesSpeaker: Rob Davey